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Shinka Shimasu - To Evolve.

The way of Shinka Shimasu - To Evolve.

I read and hear of instructors saying, last night we did this; then next week they did that. They discover something one week, then something else the next. Light bulb moments I believe they are referred to!

In summary a maximum of around two to four hours are granted to these moments before moving on. Of course this keeps the student happy as repetition can be tedious to the majority.

I ask you. Would you employ a carpenter who worked on his skills just two hours a week? Or prefer the chap who has worked five days a week or more for ten years?

Shinka Shimasu is a way of training that is little known in Japan, Okinawa and even China. I doubt more than a handful in the UK have heard of it let alone adapted into their training. GM Colwell was a practitioner as I am. Why is it so unknown? Simple answer you need to devote all your practice to the way. This is one of the main reasons I dropped out of mainstream karate and decided to train alone.

My period was around twenty years under the ‘way’ of Shinka Shimasu. Time is a huge factor, as is a simple curriculum. Again these are areas many students neither have nor want. New ‘this’, secret ‘that’, sells no question, but it has reduced traditional karate to its knees. Recently I have passed the way onto a long term student, he has a long road ahead. I will touch on it in the forging seminars but not fully for Shinka Shimasu must remain as it is, for those who wish and do!

Narutake – If Possible.

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